That's me, Alex
Founder, CEO

Amazingly, I felt a difference in the way I digested sourdough as it's fermented with gut-friendly wild cultures.

When I developed autoimmune symptoms in 2016, I turned to nutrition in hopes to heal. After months of dieting, I discovered that food allergies were causing my symptoms - mainly a sensitivity to industrial wheat. When a doctor recommended organic sourdough as an alternative, I gave it a shot. Amazingly, I felt a difference in the way I digested sourdough as it's fermented with gut-friendly wild cultures. Sourdough can therefore be lower in gluten, more bioavailable in nutrients and have a lower glycemic index. When all of my autoimmune symptoms subsided in 2017, I felt compelled to create a bakery highlighting the awesome health benefits of sourdough. Everyone at Alex's is grateful to share these awesome feel-good pizzas with you!
- Alex Corsini